Information and indication of the parties responsible for the entire content as per §5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz)
Landshuter Straße 36
84051 Altheim / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 8703/93844-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8703/93844-29
Place of jurisdiction: Landshut Local Court
Commercial Register No. 7224
VAT No.: DE255368375
General Terms and Conditions
Management Board
Bernhard Hammerl
Helmut Schröger
Supervisory Board
Uwe Heckel (Chairman)
Thomas Wurstbauer (Deputy Chairman)
Helmut Spanner
Photo credits:
shutterstock 53668372, 55614952, 80851147, 84143449, 88874410, 96175697, 102258463, 105196211, 105432542, 112004900, 113049826, 114113191, 120588376, 123856009, 123956100, 127070843, 130576979